Podcast – Episode 4

Posted on January 27, 2022 under Podcasts with no comments yet

Len and Pete chat about Victoria, B.C, two hotel rooms in the same day in Montana, the best steak in Wyoming, and tunneling back to Canada.



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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Podcast – Episode 3

Posted on January 20, 2022 under Podcasts with 2 comments

Join Pete and Len as they spend a few days in San Francisco. Visit Fisherman’s Wharf, The Golden Gate Bridge, Haight-Ashbury and listen to music from the summer of love.



As most of you know, podcasts are meant to be an audio experience. They are passive in nature. People listen to podcasts while they are doing other things. Pete and I decided to add a few extra things for those who actually want to click on the link and stare at the screen. We have incorporated music clips and photos but make no mistake, the podcast is primarily designed for audio.

As mentioned last week, producing a good quality podcast has costs. We had to rent sound equipment to create a studio in my apartment. There’s recording of voice and music. There are photos to be arranged with the script. There is a lot of editing during the process and afterwards. I decided to do the first four podcasts at my own expense as an experiment. We produced the raw material for 10 podcasts for Season 1. The first four will run in the month of January. To continue producing and airing the last six podcasts, we are reaching out to folks like you. Somewhat like PBS broadcasts, we are looking for “friends and supporters” of episodes 5-10. Each episode costs $500 for a total of $3000. If you would like to become a supporter of the Week45 podcast, you can send me an e-transfer at lenpdmacdonald@gmail.com. You can remain anonymous, but we would be happy to tag your name on the podcast if you so choose.

Enjoy this? Visit the rest of my website to enjoy more of my work or buy my books!
Tri Mac Toyota!

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Podcast – Episode 2

Posted on January 13, 2022 under Podcasts with no comments yet


Len and Pete chat about being stalked by coyotes in New Mexico, dodging rattlesnakes in Arizona, and the smell of 100,000 cows in Southern California.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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