Good Friday. Something to Ponder

Posted on April 18, 2014 under News & Updates with no comments yet

This is one of those special weekends of family gatherings where there will be lots of food, drinks and laughter… and chocolate.

Not everyone will be this lucky. There are many people in our community who have neither the usual comforts of food nor family.

Most of you are aware of the fundraiser next Thursday the 24th. with all of the proceeds going to the Hot Meal program offered by St.James United Church. I know those of you who can’t be there would like to support this cause.

And you can.

We are accepting monetary donations which will be added to the proceeds of the show. St. James will issue you a receipt for tax purposes. The cheque should be made out to “St.James United Church” and indicate on the cheque “Hot Meal”. You can send it to me. I have been assured that Catholics writing a cheque to the United Church need not fear that their hand will fall off!

And if you are super generous, you can go to the show and make a donation. The folks from St.James will be at the fundraiser and will cheerfully accept your donation.

Thank you for your consideration.

Happy Easter and thank you for your support.


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