
Posted on July 16, 2015 under News & Updates with no comments yet


Maud Mulcahy van Bommel



In many ways, Maud Mulcahy van Bommel is like most typical two and a half year olds.

In the words of her grandfather, “She is a delightful little character, who loves to laugh, be read to, dance, cuddle, bounce on beds and play with her older siblings, Emmy and James. She loves to go for walks and shows her independence by proudly walking on her own as she accompanies her brother and sister to and from school. She delights in the company of her parents and is happiest when she is cuddled up in their arms, perpetually and absent mindedly twisting one lock of her blond hair into knots as she enjoys the closeness of their company. She is bright and curious and, as with other children her age, is strong minded and stubborn.”

In olden times “Maud” originally meant “battle mighty”. Somehow this seems appropriate because Maud has a battle on her hands right now.

Life has thrown a nasty curve ball into Maud’s life and that of her family. She has been diagnosed with Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS). It is an incurable, chronic and life threatening disease. It requires frequent periods of hospitalization, usually on very short notice. One of her parents has to be with her while she is in hospital and the other stays home to care for her brother and sister.   Maud and her family have a very steep hill to climb.

Maud’s parents are Caitlin Mulcahy and Andrew van Bommel and they live in London, Ontario.  She is the granddaughter of Jim and Sarah Mulcahy and Henry and Diana van Bommel, who all reside in Antigonish.

Caitlin and Andrew don’t have any family members close at hand. One can only imagine the physical and mental strain experienced by this couple as they cope with this serious illness in their beloved child. They are under a great deal of pressure, made worse by worry and fatigue. Their brothers and sisters and parents do all that they can do but can’t be there to provide support all the time. It is not possible or practical to bring this family back to their home community of Antigonish. So we need to bring the community to them.

How can you help Maud and her family?

You can provide financial support by making a donation at the Bergengren Credit Union to an account set up on Maud’s behalf. The goal is to be able to hire a professional caregiver who has the necessary training to help provide effective care for Maud at home and to assist with the needs of the rest of the family. If you have any connections in London who might be able to refer a competent caregiver, that would be most helpful.

If you are unable to drop in to the Credit Union you can send an e-transfer to me at for deposit to Maud’s account or make a cheque payable to Len Mac Donald for Maud Mulcahy van Bommel. Alternatively, people can contribute through a webpage set up for this purpose:


Also, please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

There’s an old saying: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Antigonishers are known for their extraordinary generosity and it is time for us to step up and help this family during their time of need.

Maud the warrior is doing her part – let’s see what we can do to help.

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