Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 17, 2017 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

The Lotus Temple. Breathtaking

On the fly.

 If you receive this late, it’s because I might be  standing in the middle of a freeway searching for the ever elusive internet connection!

When I have time ( and an internet connection! ) I will give a thorough accounting of the past week or so. It has been quite an adventure to say the least.

On Saturday, I stopped by a church to watch a youth group decorate their church for midnight mass and Easter Sunday. They are also members of the choir. Sweet people and almost all college students. One of the girls spotted me sitting down back and came over to chat. Her English was excellent and we had a great hour long conversation. “ So, what do you know about Canada,” I asked? “ I know Justin.” I thought she meant the Prime Minister but it was the Biebs that she was talking about. She had also heard of Mr. Trudeau!

I attended the Easter Vigil. I haven’t had an all nighter since university. It started at 11:30 p.m. and mercifully ended at 2:30:27 a.m. This was followed by samosa and chai tea. I staggered to bed at 3:05 a.m. The good news is that I received an invitation to lunch on Easter Sunday by my Bieber fan and her family. I never miss an opportunity to spend time with local people.

A few other tidbits. Have I mentioned that traffic here is a total nightmare? ( Those of you who know me well know that I really want to say “ S.S. “! ) The official population of Delhi is around 20,000,000 souls. Unofficially, the locals say it is much higher. Now, we have been told that every family has at least three cars. Excluding babies and centenarians, there are still tens of millions of vehicles on the road. Getting anywhere is a major hassle.

The other day, I walked through a small village to go to the ATM and also to pick up a few cookies and peanuts ( and chocolate for Easter morning! ). As reported many times, wherever I go, I draw a crowd. The store owner and his mother were behind the counter waiting on about 8 people. I was immediately ushered to the head of the queue. As I was leaving, the son grabbed my arm and said , “ Come, come.” Across the street a small crowd had gathered for a Hindu worship. I was asked to perform Puja which I did willingly. And then the photo session began. I think everyone in town save the cows, dogs and chickens, had their picture taken with me in front of the shrine. Such is the life of a Canadian tourist.

 A great big shout out to my brother Tom who turned 60 on the weekend. He has been dealing with a cancer diagnosis for 8 years now and he shows no signs of slowing down.

Have a great week.

Be grateful that you live in Canada.


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