Monday Morning Musings

Posted on May 8, 2017 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment

Back in ” The Loft”

Anyone who has been away from home for an extended period of time in a foreign country can attest that there is a period of re-adjustment upon their return. There are the obvious things like time zone changes, climate, food and culture. So far, I haven’t had any major problems other than the fact that my sleep patterns are a bit out of whack.

We take so much for granted. This is not a criticism. Travel gives you a different perspective. What have I noticed most since returning home? The first thing is how quiet it is in Antigonish. I think that the noise pollution in India is as big an issue as air quality. In addition to the incessant honking of horns in every village, town and city, there is the noise created by all religions as they compete for air time by blasting their ceremonies through loud speakers. If you are anywhere near one of their places of worship, the sound can be ear splitting. And because of the heat ( and packs of howling wandering dogs at night ) , having a ceiling fan or air conditioning unit going in your room constantly is mandatory.

The first night back home, I was stunned and very aware of the complete absence of noise as I lay my head down on my pillow. My ears were ringing from six months of relentless noise in India.

Having hot water on demand is such a treat. I may have had a dozen hot showers since last October. You do get used to washing up in cold water. Not having the power go out several times a day is noticeable and having a good internet connection is such a pleasure. And there are no garbage issues. Antigonish is such a clean town.  In this space, I have documented the problems that India has with garbage.

Please, do not take this as a criticism of India. It is simply to point out the contrast between there and here and that we take so many things for granted.

Besides family and friends, the thing I missed most about home was music, especially harmony. Most of the music that I heard in India was in unison, whether it was sacred or secular. I got my first big fix yesterday as I joined my friends in “ the loft” at St. Ninian’s for Sunday mass.

So far, I haven’t felt the urge to turn on the television. I may have watched a total of 10 hours of t.v. in six months. I am ( was? ) a sports fanatic and not seeing the World Series, the Super Bowl, The Masters golf tournament and the NHL playoffs didn’t bother me in the least. I believe that a complete absence of CNN was very good for my psyche!  So, will I stick my head in the sand and ignore what’s going on around me? Probably not, but I plan to concentrate on reading more and watching little or no television.

I just finished reading “ Freedom at Midnight,” the story of partition in India and independence from British rule in 1947. It was doubly fascinating as many of the key events in the book took place in New Delhi. Because of my unscheduled three week stay in this city (!), I was able to visit many of the places referenced in the book.

I plan to continue fundraising for the Sisters in Kannyakumari. It’s not too late to make a contribution. You can stop in at the Bergengren Credit Union and mention my name and the Investment India account. If you don’t live around here, you can donate on line. Just follow this link:

I will be doing a presentation at people’s Place Library on Wednesday, May 17th. from 12:00- 1:30 entitled, “ Travels and Travails in India.” Stop by and say hello.

Have a great week.

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