Monday Morning Musings

Posted on July 16, 2018 under Monday Morning Musings with 4 comments


I passed a milestone of sorts on the weekend. My story about camping was the 900th story I’ve posted on my website. What started out as an accident seven years ago has turned into a passion.  At this rate, I will eclipse the 1000 mark sometime next summer. From the reaction to “Hard Top Horrors” just about everyone has a camping story. Thanks for all your comments. The beauty of writing is that there’s never a shortage of material. Chance conversations on the street lead me down some peculiar roads!

On a more serious note. There’s a woman who works at Sobey’s here in Antigonish and she’s having a rough go with cancer. Her friends are trying to raise some money for the family. I’m going to do my part by donating 100 of my books with all of the proceeds going to them. Sobey’s will be selling them for the next few weeks ($10 each) and I hope to spend some time at the store autographing them. I plan to be there this coming Friday (20th) so why don’t you come by and say hello and support a good cause. If you already have my books, buy one for a friend.

“On the road again. I just can’t wait to get on the road again”. ( Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson) Early in September, I’ll be flying to Victoria where I’ll meet up with a friend who’s relocating to Halifax. We’re going to drive across Canada, something I’ve done on several occasions. Canada is a very big country and you really get a sense of this when you drive coast to coast. No doubt the trip will generate some stories.

I also have the El Camino in my sights. If I can whip myself into shape, I hope to walk the El Camino trail in Spain next May. It’s approximately 800 kilometres long and from all accounts, a terrific experience.

For the first time, I will be taking part in the Big Bike Ride in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I have been recruited to be on the team from the RK MacDonald Nursing Home. If you’d like to support this worthy cause and help me reach my goal of $1000, you can make a tax deductible contribution by going to my page with the Heart and Stroke by following this link: Anybody who matches my personal donation  ($100) will get a set of my books (autographed) and if you’re in the area, I’ll hand deliver them to you and we’ll have a coffee and swap lies.

The National Special Olympics is just around the corner. Antigonish will be in the spotlight. Let’s go out of our way to make everyone feel welcome.

Have a great week.


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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