Monday Morning Musings

Posted on March 31, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

Bacon and Eggs




Breakfast at Tiffany’s ?  Hardly.

No. Your eyes are not deceiving you. You will have an opportunity to sit and shoot the breeze with me this Saturday ( 5th. )  at the Prissy Pig at 10:00 a.m. and have a chance to get your breakfast for free. I frequent the PP on Saturdays from time to time. I take the NY Times crossword puzzle from the Saturday Herald with me and enjoy the buffet. I thought it might be fun to sit around and talk about story ideas. If more than one person shows up, I will pick a name and the winner gets their breakfast for free. If no one shows up, I save myself $10. Either way, I can’t lose!

Speaking of stories, I have been in discussions with my book editor, Clare and the wheels are in motion for my second book. The timeline will be the same as last year. I plan to have the book printed and ready to go by early November with an official launch in December. I haven’t thought of a title yet. If you come up with something that I end up using, you will receive a fabulous prize… maybe a signed copy of the first book off the presses.

I saw something recently about “new math.” Do you remember back in the late 60’s and early 70’s , all the rumbling about new math?  What in the hell was wrong with the old math? I remember when my own children were in school.  Assisting with math could be intensely frustrating. I admit clinging to the past when it comes to certain things and math is one of them. Luckily, the good Sisters pounded the times tables into my head so that I can still do mental arithmetic and calculate percentages with relative ease. Younger people may wonder why I would get my knickers in a knot when a simple click on a mobile device can give them all the answers they need. I guess it’s not so much as getting the right answer as it is about making the old brain work. Have you ever wondered if technology went down for a few days?  Most people would not be able to function.

I thought I would have a bit of fun at the expense of “new math” so I wrote a story called, “ It Doesn’t Add Up.”

Still in the lineup are the following stories: “ Everything You Wanted to Know About “ ( my take on sex education ); “Grin and Barrett” ( The MacDonald family’s impromptu visit with the premier of B.C. in 1973 );  “Making a Difference” ( how one person can change the atmosphere in a room ); “Travels With Tony” ( a tribute to a great friend from Alberta who passed away recently).

Hope you have a great week and keep your antennae up tomorrow. It’s April Fools Day. Don’t let anybody fool you into believing that it’s Spring.



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Tri Mac Toyota!

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