Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 27, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment


Another one bites the dust



It somehow seems appropriate as Halloween beckons, that two household appliances decided to “give up the ghost “ within hours of each other.” It’s funny how that goes. The electric kettle and the iron both expired . One died of overuse while the other died of neglect.

The fundraiser in Heatherton was a huge success last night. There was a great turnout and quite a bit of money was raised for the Heatherton Culture, Development and Wellness Association. I was particularly pleased to share the stage with my children who took time out of their busy lives to take part in this worthwhile effort. Many thanks to those of you who were able to come out for this event.

I unveiled two brand new stories last night which will appear in the upcoming days. “Kitty Kornered” is my account of meeting some of the founding members of the Heatherton Activity Centre back in 1982 when I was the administrator of the C.A.C.L. Workshop. Let’s just say that a group of wise senior citizens taught me a few lessons! The other story is a tribute to people who haven’t gotten the best shake out of life. It’s called “The Cards We’re Dealt.” It is not only about individuals who have been stricken with illness but also the people who care for them.

“On the road again. Just can’t wait to get on the road again.” ( Willie Nelson ) Later today, Betty and I will be motoring down to Florida for a few weeks of vacation. I expect to pick up some story ideas along the way.

On Wednesday, I will be publishing the story “Trouble in Paradise.” One of Nova Scotia’s largest exports over the years has been teachers and this story illustrates how occasionally, things get mildly out of hand at the end of the work week. Most Maritimers find it in their hearts to blow off a little steam when Friday rolls around. I suspect that there are many, many stories about Friday night in any small town in Canada.

I received my new book from the printer and it will go on sale in late November. I am very pleased how it turned out. If any of you are interested, I would be happy to come to your homes ( or businesses ) during the month of December if you are planning a Christmas get together. I will come to your house ( office ), do some readings and maybe play a few tunes. I will bring copies of my books and your friends can purchase them for Christmas presents.

Ok. Time to pack the bags and get out of Dodge.

Have a great week.

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