Monday Morning Musings

Posted on January 26, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Sundown somewhere in Texas



As we brace for tomorrow’s big storm, I thought a picture of a Texas sunset was in order. So far, the winter has been a bit on the tame side. Snow enthusiasts must be licking their chops along with people who make a living plowing snow.

Several of you got a kick out of the story “ Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.” ( published last Saturday ) I told a friend that I would love to write an entire book about being brought up Catholic. She thought that I might risk eternal damnation if I did this but I don’t have to write a book to achieve this lofty status.

There’s only one thing worse than being stood up for a date. And that is being the one who stood up their friend. So last Friday, I’m chilling at the Tall and Small waiting to meet one of my best old friends. ( You’re not old, M.! ). The minutes are ticking by and it’s obvious by 9:15 that my friend is not going to show up. No big deal. There were other people around and I slide easily into a conversation with an undertaker. (  Go ahead. Finish that sentence ).

Well a few hours later I receive an apology. She thought we were supposed to meet at 8:00. I checked the calendar on my phone. Nope. It was supposed to be nine. I decided to go back to the private message she had sent me when the date was set up . 8:00. Yup. Right there in black and white. Jeez, is this what I have to look forward to?

I listened to Maritime Connections on CBC radio yesterday afternoon. They were discussing hockey parents and how they were about to be banned from the rink in some jurisdictions for boorish behavior. I happened to be driving down Church Street at the time, looking over wistfully at the Salt Ponds where we spent so much times as kids playing hockey in the winter and pick up football in the summer. No parents. No supervision. They were far too busy trying to put food on the table to worry about our whereabouts.  Bring back unorganized play!

And did you see where a parent was charged with some misdemeanour in the U.S. for allowing their child to walk home from school unattended? Folks, the world is in bad shape.

Do you remember your honeymoon? What a stupid question. If you don’t remember your honeymoon, then you either had way too much fun or it was so bad that you’ve suppressed it. I’m sure that there are books full of honeymoon tales. We were out for a walk the other day and bumped into an old friend. He told us a story about his honeymoon. He and his bride and another couple, drove to Arizona. Now this was back in the early 60’s when travel was quite different. Something funny happened along the way and I thought it deserved my full attention. Coming soon look for “Honeymoon Heat.”

Have a great week and enjoy a blast of winter coming at you tomorrow.

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