Thursday Musings

Posted on April 18, 2013 under Storytelling with one comment


If you are first time visitor to my blog, thank you for checking in. If you want to view recent stories, simply scroll down the page. They are all there.

We all have had a few days to digest the events from Boston this past Monday. The devastation that this has wreaked on so many innocent people is incalculable. It’s hard to believe that someone could go out and cheer on, not only friends and family members, but everyone who is running, and then find yourself in a hospital with a shattered body. Or worse. I am like many who cannot stop thinking about that little boy and his family.

Boston is so unique. The marathon is a festival and more than a million people line every square inch of the route. They cheer as wildly for you as they do for people they know. And they stand there for hours upon hours.They pass you food and drink and high fiving small children is such a joy. This is what makes this tragedy so hard to deal with.

The response to my story on the events of Monday has been something else. People from such far flung areas as Kuwait, Australia, France, Norway and Mexico, have checked in on my blog. And I have received dozens upon dozens of texts, e-mails, Facebook posts and calls. I want to share any credit for the story with my wife Betty who edits all of my work. I wrote this story at 4:00 a.m. the morning after the bombings. I hadn’t slept well and just had to get my thoughts on paper. When I got to the end, I didn’t have much left in the tank. My ending was weak and while I was showering for work, she replaced my ending with the last paragraph that you see in the story.

My running partner, Charlene and I will travel to Halifax on Monday for a memorial run in Point Pleasant Park to commemorate the victims and the injured. Please keep all of these people in your thoughts and prayers.

…. and have a great day!


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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