Thursday Tidbits

Posted on February 20, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet

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Schwartz Auditorium – April 24th.

We all know what it’s like to feel hungry. The odd time  ( travelling comes to mind ), you may get off schedule a bit and all of a sudden you’re ravenous. Despite all of our good fortune, there are people living amongst us who deal with hunger on a regular basis. So please, grab your coffee and read on.

There is a hot meal program that already exists in Antigonish. It happens at St. James United Church every Tuesday. There is a wonderful group of volunteers who prepare and serve the meal. On a typical day , anywhere from 50-75 take advantage of the meal.

Hungry people need to eat seven days a week so the program is going to be expanded to two days a week . Yours truly is going to roll up his sleeves and take on the responsibility for rounding up volunteers and the money required to finance the meal for the year. The second meal will take place at the John Paul Centre thanks to the generosity of the Knights of Columbus.

What I need most is seven people to raise their hands high in the air and say “ yes, I will help.” I will need a lot more than seven people but I need 7 captains who in turn will recruit a team of 5-7 people to assist them with taking responsibility for a meal every 6-7 weeks. The program will not operate in July and August. We are tentatively looking to launch the second meal in May but will only do so if and when we are completely ready to go. The captains also have to be prepared to take a one time , 3 hour, food handlers course.

Please call me if you are willing to be a captain . And no, not one of the Captains in the Captain Morgan ads! 870-1125

And how are we planning to finance the food costs? Glad you asked. There will be two ways to support this cause. When the time comes, people will be able to make a tax deductible donation. That’s an easy one.

And here’s the second plank. I have been threatening to do this for awhile. I am going to organize and host a show, tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 24th. called “The Week45 Express.”  The subtitle will be “Food For Thought.” Those of you who listen to CBC radio are aware of the program “The Vinyl Café.” My show will be modelled on this with readings by myself and some other well known writers, along with some fine musical talent.

A sell out should provide enough money to run the second meal for a year.

I have been talking to some writers and musicians and I can promise you that you will get your money’s worth.

So there you have it. I have issued the challenge. I will be giving you regular updates on my website.

Have a great weekend.


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