Thursday Tidbits

Posted on May 1, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with 10 comments


Happy Days Are Here Again

    Eyes opened. Check. Feet hit the floor. Check. Was able to walk to the bathroom, use the bathroom and shower… unattended. Check. Ate breakfast. Check. Walked to work. Check. So did most of you. So what’s the big deal? The big deal is that most of us never give this a second thought. Like so many other things in our daily orbit, we take it for granted. That is, until someone pulls the rug from beneath us. It is human nature to complain. I met and chatted with a few people this week who have unimaginable health challenges under their roofs, and they hardly complained at all. Preachy Week45 Len says, oh so gently… do not take anything for granted. Fill up your gratitude jar.

I heartily applaud the “Happy Antigonish” initiative. ( see the picture above ). The town looked great yesterday,  festooned with yellow balloons and yellow streamers. God, in her infinite wisdom and charity, blessed the organizers with a sun dappled day. There was a lot of traffic and hopefully the merchants were rewarded with lots of sales.

Thanks for the amazing feedback on the Credit Union story which was posted on my website on Tuesday. I think some people were surprised that I should write such a story when the Credit Union can be seen as competition for me in my day job. But you know something, we need all businesses to succeed to make our community grow and prosper, especially businesses that have a social conscience. I will continue to line up on cheque day!

The sequel to “Adding Fuel to the Fire” will be coming at you soon. As you will recall, in that story I carefully explained how gas prices are calculated. If you missed this, go back and check it out. I fully expect to get a call from the Economics Department at St.F.X. as a guest lecturer to go into my theory a little bit deeper. Now that we know how prices are determined, how do we explain the phenomenon of lining up at the pumps the day before a price increase? The Psychology Department will surely come a calling once I tastefully ( and somewhat sarcastically ) describe this in the story, “ Pandemonium at the Pumps” coming soon at Week45.

Is it possible for a woman to train her husband/partner?  People can train dogs so surely it is in the realm of possibilities to train a man? I don’t know who’s going to be more upset with me when I “unleash” this story… men or women. I am an “equal opportunity” offender.  “Off Leash Men” explores this sensitive subject.

I make my debut in the Cape Breton Star this week as the first edition of a new weekly paper rolls off the presses. I will post my initial story on the weekend. It’s called “My Cape Breton Passport.”

Have a great week.

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