Thursday Tidbits

Posted on March 26, 2015 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet


Strumming a tune at Days Gone By Restaurant in Guysborough



Have you noticed the signs of spring? Did you see your first robin? Is the water running freely in the brook beside your property? Have you noticed the lengthening of the days? Yes, these are all sure fire signs of spring but I know conclusively that spring is on its way. I encountered the first dead skunk on the road the other day while driving down to Guysborough.

Ok. You can all stop laughing now. My face plant last weekend has had close to 1000 views… hardly viral but respectable. I think my kids laughed harder than anyone. Did you miss it? Want to see it one more time? Click… and laugh.

There’s always a first for something and the other day, I travelled to Port Hawkesbury at the invitation of a book club. This group of people have been meeting every month for fifteen years. They read a book and then get together for a cup of tea and a cookie and discuss the book’s contents. I was honored that they chose my first book “ Living and Laughing @ MyWeek 45” for their last meeting. I was laughing before I even got to the back door of the hostess’s house. I noticed that their driveway had been sanded with… wait for this, kitty litter! Yes, just days after publishing the story, “ Don’t Rain ( or Snow or Sleet ) on my Parade,” there was a trail of kitty litter. I am no expert but I think it was of the clumping variety.

I spent a delightful hour and a half with this wonderful group of women. We had plenty of laughs. We were just about to disburse when one of the women, Karen, told us this story of her getting locked inside a bookstore. I won’t spoil the story but an inattentive clerk locked the store to go to lunch and didn’t notice that a customer was crouched down looking for a book on the bottom shelf. Five minutes later , I was scratching out as many details as possible. This has the makings of a fine story indeed. Stay tuned.

This Saturday ( mercifully ), I will be publishing the final chapter of my travel saga called “Transcontinental Travel Tips.” That’s the good news. Do you want to hear the bad news? Peter and I are going to travel across the continent again in about two weeks time, by a different route. I’ll fly out and meet him in Vancouver and we’ll head to Washington State and take the northern route through the U.S. re-entering Canada in Windsor. We only have 6 days to do the trip so there won’t be a lot of stopping for sightseeing. I’m sure Peter will get some great pictures and no doubt, I’ll get some new story ideas.

And coming up next week, keep your eye out for the story “ The Habs and the Hab Nots.” No, it’s not about the Montreal Canadiens but rather a story about a train trip to Montreal some of us took in 1971. We arrived in Montreal the day of “the storm of the century.” It was also the day that the nation was surprised to find out that Pierre Trudeau got married. This is a nostalgia piece for those of you who ever took the train from Antigonish . Ah, the good old days.

Have a great weekend.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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