Thursday Tidbits
Posted on August 15, 2013 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment
This is my writing buddy Phil and I will give you $1000. if you can guess what he’s doing? Wrong. He’s cleaning bird shit off the “Welcome to Antigonish” sign. I hope the “Communities in Bloom” judges didn’t happen upon this on their recent tour of the town. By the way, congrats to all of those volunteers who really make our town look spectacular in the summer time.
You see, Phil, his wife Marilyn and me were scouring the town ( literally, as it turns out! ) looking for the appropriate photo op for the poster for our upcoming fundraiser. This was one of our choices but before taking the picture , Phil had to apply some elbow grease and remove the offensive substance.
I mentioned this in an earlier post but coming up in a few days, a tale of romance. It takes us all the way from the awkwardness of high school dances to the nursing home… and everything in between. The term “old flame” takes on an entirely different connotation. This happened last Christmas so it’s only appropriate that I run the story in the middle of one of the muggiest summers on record. Do you remember your first romance? You betcha. And how did that turn out? This story is called “An Old Romance”. When I was in Alberta recently, I read this story aloud to a group of people. I hadn’t looked at it since the day I wrote it. I had a hard time finishing some of the sentences I was giggling so hard. Hope you enjoy it.
I also have a story from my teaching days. Just ask someone you haven’t taught in 35 years what they remember most about you as a teacher. The story is called “Teach Your Children Well”, a direct steal from my favorite group of all time, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Some of the responses were revealing… and quite surprising.
Have a great day. Live, love, laugh.
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