True Professionals

Posted on May 13, 2015 under Storytelling with no comments yet


Landry and Laudadio. What a team!



“If there’s something strange in your neighborhood Who you gonna call?”

Ghostbusters – Ray Parker Jr.

Can lightning strike twice?  I am told by climatologists, soothsayers and my barber that the chance of lightning striking the same place on more than one occasion is very rare indeed.  What are the odds that two raccoons, separated by the passage of four years, would take up residence in the roof of our small side porch?  I called Vegas and they say it’s about 100,000 to 1.  Guess it’s time to start buying lottery tickets again.

Four years ago we acquired a nest of grackles under the eaves of our entryway.  When the chicks had flown, followed by mama bird, an expectant racoon moved right in to the attic.   We called Charlie Landry and, within 24 hours, the critter was trapped and carted off.  Last year our house was struck by lightning.  I was in the house at the time and didn’t realize we’d been hit.  Upon hearing this, my wife threatened to put me in the composter and cart me off somewhere!

So it was with some dismay that we discovered the telltale signs two weeks ago.  It was a forced entry by a neighborhood bandit.  The muddy footprints going up the side of the house and a torn off piece of soffit were dead give always.  Time to call the “Beaver Brothers”.   Charlie Landry and his brother, Eddie, have become famous in these parts.   Last year they starred in an Animal Planet television show that celebrated their live trapping prowess.

It’s bad enough that this would happen to us twice but there was an extra layer of angst.  We recently sold our house and were in that delicate time period just prior to closing date.

We called Charlie and the following morning he came by and set a live trap.  And we waited.

Now this particular raccoon must have had a discerning palate because she didn’t take the bait.  We hoped that she had found better digs somewhere else.  Sadly, half way through week two, our neighbors reported that she had been out sunbathing on our roof.   Even the animals have a bit of spring fever this year.

Enter Eddie.  In order to ascertain the exact whereabouts of the raccoon, he had to get into the very small attic over the porch.  Luckily, last fall during an energy retrofit, the insulation guys had created a small hatch in the porch ceiling.   Eddie said that I would have to find a carpenter to make the opening bigger so that he could get in to get a good look.

Most Catholics know what a “Doubting Thomas” is.  Sometimes you need to see, feel and touch something before you are convinced that it is real.  Did you ever have one of those moments when you were convinced about the presence of a higher power and that miracles really happen?

The word “carpenter” had scarcely passed through Eddie’s lips when, lo and behold, Carl Laudadio pulled into the driveway.  Days earlier he had seen the “SOLD” sign on our house and was coming by to congratulate us.  He is family friend and a fine carpenter to boot.  He had barely opened his truck door when I was in his face.  “Do you have your tool box?”

Before he knew what was happening Carl was on a ladder, expanding the hole in the porch ceiling.  Eddie took a quick look.  As his head pivoted in the opening he came face to face with momma raccoon and her four babies.

The next half hour was a bit of a blur as Eddie worked his magic, with the able assistance of Carl (my new best friend).  The mother was pushed to the opening she had created in the soffit while Eddie removed the young’uns.   Eventually, momma came scurrying down the siding and despite a valiant attempt by Carl to trap her with a large net, she managed to escape and made a bee line underneath the shed.

The entire drama had only lasted an hour.  I am happy to report that Eddie re-baited the trap and the mother was captured the next morning.

I sent a short video clip of the affair to my four children.  And then came the dreaded question (after a comment on how cute the babies were).  “What happened to the racoons?”

When Eddie came to pick up the trap, I asked him that very question and was afraid of the answer I would receive.   Eddie told me that the babies were picked up by Hope for Wildlife.   I had never heard of this place before but apparently this non-profit group harbours all kinds of birds and animals and eventually relocates them to a game sanctuary.

And momma was to be released into the wild, far from people and houses but next to a frog pond.  “She needs some good nutrition now” said Eddie.

“When it comes through your door Unless you just want some more I think you better call …”

Thanks, fellas.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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