Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom (And Whimsy)

Posted on December 25, 2024 under Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom with 2 comments


Ho! Ho! Ho!



Blink again.

That was 2024 that just zipped by. Yes, I realize that there’s still a week to go but the year is all but done.

So, what profound words of wisdom do I have to share in this my 1405th Week45 story? Yes. I’ve been writing these gems (?) for 13 years. In the early years, I posted stories every Monday and Thursday (Musings and Tidbits) fifty-two weeks of the year. As time went by, I reduced this to once a week. Did I run out of story ideas? Hardly. With 8 billion people in the world, there will always be an abundance of story ideas.

A friend of mine sent me something the other day that caught my attention. Living longer doesn’t necessarily equate with living better. But the following words might be a good recipe.

“Whatever happens, stay alive. Don’t die before you’re dead. Don’t lose yourself, don’t lose hope, don’t lose direction. Stay alive, with yourself, with every cell of your body, with every fiber of your skin. Stay alive, learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design. Stay alive, stay alive inside you, stay alive also outside, fill yourself with colors of the world, fill yourself with peace, fill yourself with hope. Stay alive with joy. There is only one thing you should not waste in life and that is life itself.” Sona Rajput.

Wise words indeed but not easy to achieve. The world is a troubled place and it’s very easy to be pessimistic. Burying one’s head in the sand is not the answer nor is obsessing with all the bad news that’s all around us.

After receiving these “words of wisdom”, I replied to my friend. I told her that I don’t follow the news any more other than headlines on the CBC App. I said that I want to use my energy in constructive and positive ways. Teaching, writing, singing, reading, walking, cooking.

With renewed vigor, I am going to try and reduce my consumption of social media. To this end, I have turned off some of the notification buttons, most noticeably, Facebook. I didn’t realize that such a simple measure could almost eliminate my Pavlovian response to the little red notification flags.

It’s not possible to be in good cheer all the time but I think that happiness is a choice. I know some people who choose happiness, and they are great people to spend time with. Their good humour is addictive.

Thanks for tagging along in 2024.

See you in 2025… “The good Lord willin’” (From the Tommy Hunter Show)

Stay well and keep smilin’.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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