It’s Just a Crock

Posted on September 14, 2013 under Storytelling with one comment

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We live in a capitalist society.  We buy and sell goods.  In some cases we barter goods and services.  And, of course, there is the ever present “underground economy” that thrives on cash transactions, far away from the peering eyes of CRA (IRS Lite).  And if that isn’t enough economic activity, there are flea markets and yard sales.  You are either a yard sale type or you’re not.  There’s no in-between on this one.

In our house, one person lives to go “yard sailing” and it’s not me.

I stared at the counter and saw what had to be the world’s smallest slow cooker.  This was on a Saturday morning so I had no doubt where it had come from.  After a long and reasonably happy marriage, I have learned that not being inquisitive is a good thing.  But, I’ll admit, I did the old head scratching thing wondering why we needed a dwarf slow cooker to go along with papa slow cooker, mama slow cooker and baby slow cooker.  I mean, how many slow cookers does a married couple need at this stage of the proceedings with all of the eaglets out on their own?

More than three, I guess.

I have learned a lot about the sub culture of yards sales.  You can never have too many of one item.  Case in point:  Iggle Piggle. Even Ken Jennings of Jeopardy fame probably doesn’t know who Iggle Piggle is so you can be excused for having that stunned look on your face.  Iggle Piggle is a character from a British children’s show called “In the Night Garden.”  Rather than have me try and describe him (her?), just go ahead and Google the name.

One of our granddaughters lived with us for two years and regularly watched this show.  She became fond of all the characters but none more so than Iggle Piggle. To satisfy this craving, my wife bought an Iggle Piggle doll, and then, the feeding frenzy started.  In relative short order, the number of dolls multiplied, like mitosis on steroids, most of them purchased at yard sales.

Why?  Sorry.  I don’t understand calculus either.

Which brings me back to the teeny weeny slow cooker.  After two days of it tantalizing me from the kitchen counter, I had to ask the question.  And I did.  And I got an answer.

How often do you use a slow cooker?  Once a month?  Five times a year?  Or is this a wedding gift that you have pondered re-gifting because you already have enough of them to cater a wedding?

I was told that this newest prized possession was for the use of a new tenant in our household, an education student.  “And what are the chances that he will need this cooking vessel on the same day that we have all three of ours on the go?”  As is the custom, my comment was dismissed.  A stern rebuke was not required.  The Look said it all.

Too many crocks spoil the broth.

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