Monday Morning Musings

Posted on December 30, 2013 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

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Happy New Year

It has been quite a year for Week 45. We have been writing a regular column for two weekly papers, have been keeping an active website, have done a few public speaking gigs, one significant charity event and the publication of a book. This is not meant to be self congratulatory. Unless there are people reading the material then it is all for naught. So let me express my deep gratitude for all of you who have stayed connected over the past twelve months. Whether it is a “like” on Facebook,  an e-mail or just a passing comment on the street, you are responsible for keeping me motivated.

So what’s in the offing for 2014? I have three major goals for the year ahead. I plan to do volume 2 of “Living and Laughing.” That one is the easiest now that I have one under my belt. A few days ago, I stated a longer term goal of creating a fund that would provide a hot meal for those who need it on a weekly basis. There is a lot of work to be done before this can be achieved but I have always felt that writing down a goal gives a person the motivation to carry it out.

I am also having preliminary discussions with a few friends about trying a “Stuart Mclean” type of show, possibly as early as the Spring. Tentatively, I am calling it “The Week45 Express.” It would be a live show featuring some story telling interspersed with music by local talent. Please feel free to weigh in with any comments.

And of course, I will continue to write stories inspired by everyday events.

Live well. Laugh often. Love Much.


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