Monday Morning Musings

Posted on March 3, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet





I can’t tell a lie. Occasionally I will drop the f bomb but most times I am careful about cursing in public. The picture that accompanies this post was taken early Saturday morning on my walk down to The Landing. Locals will recognize this as the Wrights River. What I really want to say is how f….ing cold it was but let’s just say that is was bitterly cold, especially on the return trip, when there was the slightest breeze , creating a wind chill. Not complaining…just sayin’.

Every one of us knows someone who has to travel afar to work. While we would like to think that this a unique phenomenon, it is not. It is the story of Maritimers going back decades, maybe even centuries. Many of our grandparent’s generation travelled to the “Boston States” in search of work and countless of our people went to Ontario in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s to work in the mining and manufacturing sector. This era was immortalized by the movie “ Going Down The Road.”

I was talking to someone the other day who was returning from a visit to family in Alberta. He experienced some travel delays and got stuck at Pearson Airport in Toronto. What a warm, embracing place that is. He met a couple of Maritimers returning from Fort Mac after 21 days in a row of 12 hour shifts. They had been stuck in the airport for two days waiting out snowstorms. They were tired and irritated. I do not envy families that have to live this way.

While I felt bad for these guys, I immediately thought about the other half of this equation. For many of them, there are wives and children back home. I thought of the wives taking care of children, going to work and having to shovel snow just about every day.

So what happens when an exhausted and cranky husband arrives home and finds a cranky, exhausted spouse standing at the door with a couple of sick children in tow? I’m struggling with the most appropriate title. I’m thinking either “Head on Collision” or “Train Wreck.” Do you have a good title for this ? I have the story written and it is in the lineup for editing.

Another story I’m working on is about client service. A friend of mine was at a Halifax watering hole on the weekend and left in disgust after poor service. I know the feeling. I’m not sure which is worse: bad service by a waiter or waitress with attitude problems or no service ( being ignored ). One of the reasons I am not a shopper is that I have had one too many episodes of being ignored in a store where it was obvious to anyone that I was lost and looking for help. Coming soon, “The Invisible Man.”

I would like to give a big shout out to Jean Pearcey of Jeanious Designs. Jean graciously offered to design the poster for the fundraiser on April 24th. You’ll get to see it later in the week. It is awesome.

I have all the sponsors for the show confirmed as well as the authors and musicians. Tickets will be on sale within a week. Might make a good Easter gift as the show is the Thursday after the Easter weekend.

Don’t put the long johns away just yet. It seems like we are going to freeze our asses off for at least another week before we turn the clocks ahead and beg for Spring.

Have a great week.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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