Monday Morning Musings

Posted on June 16, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet




I saw this ad in the paper last week and had a good chuckle. It got me to thinking about my own lifetime of mowing lawns. The very first lawn I mowed was not a lawn at all. It was a grave. Several graves, actually. I had a summer job mowing graves at the cemetery when I was 14. Some of you would remember “Joe Mike.” He hired me. What a sweet man. I earned $1.00 an hour. When I saw the ad, I thought that this would be an easy story to write. So, bright and early tomorrow morning, I will be posting the story, “ The Grass is Greener.”

I still can’t quite figure out why some stories just take off and get a huge viewership. “Privacy in the Privy,” which was published here on Saturday, was one of my top five responses… ever. I liked the story but didn’t think it was anything special. I know my “regulars” read just about every bit of nonsense I post, but some people obviously make a judgment call in the first few lines, whether or not they will continue to read the piece. Regardless, thanks for reading this story. It will definitely be in my new book, based on the feedback.

I met a lovely lady at the ATM the other morning. She told me she was 86 and that she reads all my stories in The Casket. She has a wonderful sense of humour. She was telling me about a recent visit to the hospital where she was sitting beside a 92 year old woman who had a multiplicity of health issues. They were comparing notes and the 86 year old looked at her and said,” the only thing golden about the golden years, is the color of my pee.” ! What a great line. I think having a sense of humour is one of the keys to a happy life. This lady is living proof.

I am putting the finishing touches on my story about piping and drumming. I have done just enough research to get myself into trouble, weighing in on a subject about which I know nothing.  “Pipe Dreams” is a story about the Antigonish Highland Society Pipe band and an interesting collaboration that they have going with a band from Great Village.

I absolutely gorged myself on golf this weekend. When I wasn’t in church ( twice! ), I was dialed in to the U.S. Open golf tournament. I was particularly interested because I had the pleasure of playing this course a couple of times, many years ago on a vacation to the Pinehurst resort. This was the same trip that I had the incident with my kilt in the dining hall of the 5 star resort on the complex. ( see “Right up Yer Kilt” ).

Had two of the grandchildren around this weekend.  What a Father’s Day gift.

I had a great time as a guest on Maritime Connections on CBC radio yesterday afternoon. If you would like to listen to it check out this link: If you don’t have time to listen to the whole show, you can fast forward to 43:40 on the tape.

I saw this the other day and thought I would share it with you: “ Instead of John, I’m calling my bathroom Jim. It sounds better when I say that I went to the Jim first thing this morning.”

Have a great week.

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