Monday Morning Musings

Posted on July 22, 2013 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment


I have a lot on my mind this morning so bear with me. This is a long post so please try to get to the bottom…about a half a cup of coffee’s worth of reading.

First, the picture above. If you live anywhere near Antigonish ( with apologies to my friends in Egypt and New Zealand ), you must go to the logging road behind Bethany and see this amazing display of 1000 aprons. Once I have done my research, I will definitely be writing a story. Can you imagine the stories behind each and everyone of these aprons? I have a short video showing a few of the aprons and a longer one with no voice over.

If you were too busy yesterday enjoying the weekend and, shockingly, ignored my website please check out the KFC photo challenge. I can hardly wait until you weigh in with your story ideas.

I would like you to go to your calendar and circle September 26th. My writing buddy, Phil Milner and I are planning a fundraising event in aid of St.Vincent de Paul. It will be an evening of story telling and music and should be a blast. Details are being worked out regarding a venue and some of the other logistics. We will need a handful of volunteers the night of the event.

Some of you reading this are already loyal followers of Week45 and others have signed up on my Week45 Facebook page. I would like to once again invite people to follow me on my website. This is easy to do. Just go to and go to the black panel on the right of the page. Go down to the bottom right hand corner and click “follow”. I don’t expect Facebook to disappear any time soon but technology is changing so quickly, that I want to build my audience on my own site. I remember several .com companies that have come and gone over the years.

Coming up tomorrow, I have a story which is a tribute to volunteers in general and specifically the folks who just organized the 150th. running of the Highland Games.

Have a great week.

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