Monday Morning Musings

Posted on July 29, 2013 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

I was in the grocery store on the weekend and was waiting patiently in the lineup ( I have already penned a few stories on this topic! ), when I was approached by this woman who was grinning from ear to ear. I didn’t recognize her so I checked to make sure I didn’t have the remnants of breakfast on my shirt or worse still, that my fly was open. No. She wanted to talk to me about bras. Ah. the gift that keeps on giving. Sometimes you write a story that has legs, even when it’s about breasts. Loyal readers know that I wrote a story a few weeks ago titled “Keeping Abreast of the Situation”. You can find it easily by just putting the title in the search box at This story was reprinted in the “Highland Heart” (an excellent locally produced publication) last Friday and this woman was still laughing. Dare I write a story about panties?

Betty and I are heading to Alberta on Wednesday but I plan to keep feeding the blog while I’m away. Don’t want you going into withdrawal. I was thinking of writing a story about the airline losing my luggage before I even take the trip. If they don’t lose it, I will be thrilled but if they do, I will already have the story set to go. There’s a win/win situation for you.

As some of you know, I am a big fan of 30 day challenges. If you want to make some changes in your life, doing a 30 day challenge is a great place to start. Decide to start something or give something up, do it for 30 days and you might surprise yourself. If you have six minutes ( come on… you’re not THAT busy that you can’t spare 6 minutes ) go to This is a website that I visit every day. It is a collection of amazing speeches on every imaginable subject. There is a 6 minute video by Matthew Cutts on 30 day challenges. Just go to the speakers tab or put the name in the search box. It might not change your life but it could make a big difference. P.S. If you are wondering why I am so irritable and cranky these days ( actually I’m not ) it is that I am on day 51 of a 30 day challenge (?) to give up sweets. This love affair may finally have come to an end… and it wasn’t as tough as I thought it would be.

As promised, I will be posting a story on Tuesday about those impossible to open hard plastic containers that many goods come in. It’s called “Open Sesame”

Have a great week.

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