Monday Morning Musings

Posted on November 3, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


No whining



The name of this shop in Florida is “Total Wine.” I am not a drinker but if you like wine ( or every conceivable scotch on the planet ) at ridiculously low prices, this is the place to come. There are millions of bottles of wine…8500 different wines according to an employee. The building is similar in size to Central Home Improvement Warehouse because this is precisely what this building is. It would take a very long time to sample all their wares. And the picture at the bottom is the “tasting centre.” The first two days we were here, it was scotch tasting.

If you haven’t yet heard or read about the story of Austin and Marilyn ( Saturday’s Halifax Herald ), then you must have been involved in a power outage.

Please join this site and let’s give this couple a wedding to remember. They are truly sweet people. I have offered to help with the organizing … along with hundreds of other people!

The internet connection at our resort is spotty so some times I can’t tell whether messages are getting posted once, twice or not at all. Sorry if you received the same messages multiple times.

When is the last time you went to an old fashioned diner? The ones with the counter that you can sit at? I mentioned this in my Thursday post. The story has been written and is just waiting for the editor to get out of the hot tub. It’s called “Dishing it Out at The Diner” and will appear soon.

Tomorrow’s story is called “ The Cards We’re Dealt.” Some of us are very lucky. We have work that we enjoy, we have a roof over our head and enough to eat… and we are healthy. We all know that this can change in a heartbeat. This story uses cards as a metaphor for life. Sometimes we’re dealt excellent cards and some days, well we’re dealt crappy cards. It’s not the cards we’re given but how we play them. It is also a story about the people who care for those people who do not enjoy good health.

Also in the lineup, is “Kitty Kornered.” Some of you knew the late Kitty Chisholm from Heatherton. She was an amazing lady and she taught a young, inexperienced sheltered workshop manager a few things over a cup of tea ,32 years ago. We became good friends and I always enjoyed chatting with her.

I still have one of my “tribute “ stories in the works. I think you will enjoy this one as this lady had a profound effect on many teenagers. No spoiler alerts here. If I can pull all the pieces together, it will be a memorable story.

Have a great week.

P.S. Just a reminder of a “novel” Christmas party idea. I will come to your home and entertain your legion of friends ( or friends from the Legion! ) with readings from my new book… and a little singing. I will bring some of my books for purchase. I’ve already had one inquiry.

Enjoy this? Visit the rest of my website to enjoy more of my work or buy my books!
Highland Hearing Clinic

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