Star Gazing

Posted on February 25, 2016 under Faces in the Crowd with 2 comments



“It was a hereditary defect. I had doctors on all sides of the family!”

Meet Robert Sers.

The smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the kitchen. Robert, and his wife, Moira, have been up since the crack of dawn and tag team the bread making.

Robert spent the early years of his life in Goldboro. His father, Dr. Rolf, a Latvian refugee and his mother, Dr. Phyllis, a pediatrician, moved to Antigonish when Robert was eight.  His innate curiosity was cultivated by Jessie Baxter, a teacher at the old St. Ninian Street School and “one of the best teachers I ever had,” according to Sers.

In high school, he was one of the few people who had any inkling of what would be his life’s work.   He continued his studies and became a well known and greatly respected surgeon.  Add in a keen sense of humour, and one could say he kept people in stitches for many years.

In his youth, Robert took piano lessons from Sister Agnes MacAdam. She wanted him to become a classical pianist.  He would have none of it.  He was more interested in ragtime.  He plays nearly every day and even penned a piece for his wife, “Moira’s Waltz”, the year they were married.

He has always been fascinated by the stars – astronomy has been a passion for a long time.

When asked about the next chapter of his life, he was quick to say,” I want to immerse myself in my family.” He loves being a grandparent.  “You get to enjoy the grandchildren without the responsibility of turning them into citizens.  That’s their parents’ job.”

Some of his newfound freedom is spent helping with the Syrian refugee effort. “Canada was very good to my family and it’s time to give something back.”

Doctor, baker, pianist, star gazer, grandfather, advocate …

Retirement redefined.




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