Story Exchange 2

Posted on February 15, 2013 under Storytelling with no comments yet

Last evening we held our second story exchange at a local senior’s apartment complex. The format is quite simple. We gather around a table ( 15 of us last night ) and I get the ball rolling with one of my stories. It is meant to stimulate conversation and for the seniors to dig into their deep reserves of stories from days gone by. We go around the room and anyone can tell any story they want. Towards the end of the session I read a second story to wind things up. The first week the folks were a bit reserved but last night they really got into it. We talked about desserts ( do you know what forach is? ), outhouses and wakes. And speaking of wakes, I am going to put together a story about wakes and funerals. If any of you have good stories about this topic, let me know. I plan to compare the modern wake to the ones that were held at home in days gone by.

I will be posting a new story on my blog on the weekend. You will never view apple pie the same way again after reading this!

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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