Thursday Tidbits

Posted on October 17, 2013 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment

The last vestiges of the turkey are swimming in a big pot of soup. Don’t you just love the aftermath of a turkey dinner? It’s like a gift that keeps on giving. It was such a stunning holiday weekend. It’s terrific when everyone is taking a breather and really enjoying the down time with friends and family. And when the weather cooperates, it’s a big bonus.

Am I the only one who suffered mild embarrassment, bordering on humiliation, taking part in a school concert or play in elementary school? Not likely. Something caught my eye the other day about a friend who had her big singing debut in school that went badly. She had a “wardrobe malfunction” …. not quite like the one Janet Jackson had years ago at the Super Bowl. Her clothes were too big and you can probably guess the rest. Using the soundtrack from the “Sound of Music,” as the backdrop for this story, I have put together the sad tale of one youngster whose dreams died on the auditorium stage. It is called ” If The Shoe Fits” and I will be posting this on Saturday.

My long suffering editor ( Betty ) finished editing the story I was telling you about recently. It’s about the “birds and the bees” and a mother’s anguish about answering a difficult question posed by her son. I can’t give you the title because you will go scurrying to the dictionary. So, I will keep you in suspense until next week. I think it’s one of my personal favorites so far because it deals with a subject near and dear to parents. How do you answer those questions about body parts and procreation? I sincerely wish I could tell you what our principal at the time told us back in the ’60’s during our one and only “sex education” class. It’s not fit for mixed company.

I have received a number of book orders so far and with Christmas just around the corner ( I can’t believe I said that ), it might be a gift idea. Only $15. a book ( no taxes ) or 2 for $30! A limit of 100 books per person. Let me know if you want me to put one aside for you… or several. I will autograph them for you.

Hope you have a great weekend.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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