Thursday Tidbits

Posted on January 15, 2015 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment


One of the nicest people I met on the trip



I met and chatted with this most charming man outside of a hotel in downtown San Francisco. This hotel was a bit pricier than the one we stayed in! By the way, if you happen to go San Fran some day, let me give you a hotel tip. The Hotel Beresford on Sutter Street is the best deal in the city. It is quite expensive to stay in a hotel in the downtown core of any major city. By any standard, this hotel is a bargain.  It is a quaint old hotel and the rooms are immaculate. It is literally a two minute walk to get on a cable car that will take you to Fisherman’s Market. One other thing. Valet parking is a must but for $30. it’s a steal as parking anywhere else is very expensive. The room rate includes a continental breakfast. The day we were there they had fresh croissants and muffins along with an array of fresh fruit and better than average coffee.

And why am I passing along this tip? Well, I am planning to write an epic essay about my epic journey with my son. Throughout the piece , I plan to give some of my own “travel tips.” For example, at all costs, avoid traveling through Los Angeles during supper rush hour. It will definitely spoil your supper. Another practical piece of advice: do not attempt to cross the desert with anything but a full tank of gas! And absolutely, positively, do not attempt a long road trip without a GPS. We had one ( fortunately ) and it made the trip infinitely easier.

This story will take me a bit of time to put together. It won’t surprise you that I kept a daily log on the trip. Tentatively, I plan to call the story “ Transcontinental Travel Tips: A Journey With My Son.” When I am done, I promise I won’t mention the trip again.

One of my concerns along the way was that I was putting too many posts on my website and on Facebook. It can be grating when people post pictures from exotic destinations that scream “ I am here having tons of fun and you are home shivering your ass off.” Nothing could be further from the truth in my situation. I write stories and you can’t go on a long trip without coming up with story ideas.

I was very happy my first day back to work when I bumped into a few people on the street who thanked me for sharing my stories and Peter’s exquisite pictures.

Coming up this weekend is the story “ A Taste of Bourbon” which describes New Year’s Eve in the French Quarter in New Orleans.  I never thought I could stay up until midnight but I’m glad I did in order to witness this spectacle.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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